Selling Items

Intro to Selling items on VRYNT

You can sell Collectibles, Components, and Component Packs on the VRYNT marketplace platform in three ways.

  • Fixed Price Listing
  • Listing as an Auction
  • Accepting An Offer

Below we will break down the differences between the three. For the examples below, we have outlined the steps to sell an Collectible.  This process is precisely the same for selling individual components, or packs. All of these methods can be found by clicking on the "Explore" link at the top of each page, and then selecting "My Inventory."

Fixed Price Listing

1. From the "My Inventory" page, select NFTs

2. Select the Collectible that you wish to sell.

3. Next, click on "List", found on the right hand side.

4. This will display a popup window that allows you to choose between an Auction format or a Buy Now format.

5. For this example, we will choose "Buy Now".

6. Enter the price you wish to sell your Collectible in VC credits and then select the date.

Please note that listings cannot be created for fewer than 24 hours.

7. After Clicking on Submit, you will be asked to sign two transactions in order to transfer your Collectible from your wallet to the Marketplace.  To start the process click on "Transfer".

8. You may be prompted with multiple confirmation messages, Click "Confirm"

9. Upon clicking on "Confirm" a second time, after we confirm the transactions (this may take a minute), a success message will pop up letting you know that the transfer was successful. Your listing is now live in the marketplace, and buyers will be able to purchase it until the end date expires, or you cancel the listing.

Congrats you did it!!

From here you can wait for someone to purchase your item or cancel your auction. If the auction expires and no-one purchased, the collectible will be transferred automatically back to your wallet.

Please note if you list a collectible, it will be transferred temporarily into an Escrow to facilitate the purchase. It will be returned to you if the auction ends, or it will be sent to the new owner if someone successfully purchases it.